drugs acting on the nervous system 뜻
- 신경계통에 작용하는 약
- drugs: 약제; 약
- acting: adjective, noun, 대리의
- nervous: adjective, 신경(성)의, 신경에
- nervous system: noun, 신경계통
- system: noun, 조직, 체계, 계통, 학설, 제도,
- drugs acting on the cardiovascular system: 심장혈관계통에 작용하는 약
- drugs acting on the musculoskeletal system: 근육뼈대계통에 작용하는 약
- drugs acting on the respiratory system: 호흡계통에 작용하는 약
- drugs acting on the gastrointestinal system and metabolism: 소화계통 및 대사과정에 작용하는 약
- drugs acting on the genito-urinary system: 비뇨생식계통에 작용하는 약
- autonomic nervous system: 자율신경계통 자율신경계통
- central nervous system: phrase, 중추 신경계
- central nervous system disorders: 중추신경계통 질환
- central nervous system neurons: 중추신경계 신경 세포
- digital nervous system: 디지털 신경망 체계
기타 단어
- "drugs acting on the blood and blood forming organs" 뜻
- "drugs acting on the cardiovascular system" 뜻
- "drugs acting on the gastrointestinal system and metabolism" 뜻
- "drugs acting on the genito-urinary system" 뜻
- "drugs acting on the musculoskeletal system" 뜻
- "drugs acting on the respiratory system" 뜻
- "drugs by mechanism of action" 뜻
- "drugs by target organ system" 뜻
- "drugs with unknown mechanisms of action" 뜻
- "drugs acting on the genito-urinary system" 뜻
- "drugs acting on the musculoskeletal system" 뜻
- "drugs acting on the respiratory system" 뜻
- "drugs by mechanism of action" 뜻